Taiwan Network Operator Group (TWNOG) Bylaws
Adopted 04, Dec. 2018 by the TWNOG MSG
初版由TWNOG MSG會議於 40, Dec. 2018通過並生效
- 前言 Preamble
台灣網路維運社群(TWNOG)是專門為了在台灣有網路節點或對台灣網路發展有興趣的網路工程人員、網路架構人員、網路維運人員及網路相關專家人員成立的組織. 透過台灣網路維運社群,我們希望持續改善網路傳輸科技、最佳實作、基礎設施及網路環境以促使台灣網路環境及網路相關產業能日新月異且蓬勃發展。台灣網路維運社群是採用會員制的非營利性組織, 我們會透過每年舉辦兩次的論壇活動、會員電子郵件名單、臉書社團網頁及網站等活動來促進網路技術及維運面的知識及資訊交流,我們也希望能匯集各方利害關係人以吸引各方意見充分交流, 聚焦網路維運者重視或有興趣的議題並促進相關技術引進、探討、創新及實務上的交流
The Taiwan Network Operators Group (TWNOG), is the professional Special Interest Group (SIG) for Internet Engineers, Network Architects, Network Operators or Network Professionals who have network presence or network interests in Taiwan. Through TWNOG, we want to continuous improvement of the data transmission technologies, practices, facilities, and environment that make the Taiwan Internet environment and Internet-related industry works better every day.
TWNOG is a membership non-profit organization and we run semi-annual events, email member list, Facebook page, and website, etc, to exchange technical and operational knowledge and information. Through gathering multi-stakeholders, TWNOG encourages dialogues and communications. With the focus on topics that are important and of interest to network operators, TWNOG also facilitates adoption, research, and innovation on new technology and sharing of best practice.
- 名稱 Name
本社群名稱是台灣網路維運社群(又簡稱TWNOG) 。
The name of this corporation is Taiwan Network Operators’ Group (TWNOG).
- 使命 Mission
TWNOG目的是在台灣為網路維運人員及產官學研各界提供教育和知識分享交流的平台,TWNOG是專家們討論與網路營運與技術部屬等相關技術性議題的場所,討論的議題包括但不限於網路協定、骨幹網路技術、路由政策、網路品質量測技術等,因此跨業者間的合作也可以帶來互利的效果 (例如網管中心互相協調及安全事件的處理聯防), 以便維持或提升台灣網路技術與服務水準。
The purpose of TWNOG is to provide forums in Taiwan for education and the sharing of knowledge for the Internet operations community.
TWNOG is a venue in which technical matters pertaining to network operations and network technology deployment in Internet providers may be discussed among experts. Such discussions may focus on, but not limited to, experiences with new protocols and backbone technologies, implications of routing policies on the Internet as a whole, measurement techniques and measurements of Internet health and performance, areas in which inter-provider cooperation can be mutually beneficial (such as NOC coordination or security incident response), and maintaining a competitive and level business environment.
- 組織 Organization
4.1 一般權利義務 General Powers and Obligations
台灣網路維運社群是採用會員制的組織, 會員主要來自台灣一類及二類電信業者、國際電信業者、網路服務業者、多系統業者、 內容供應商、內容傳遞網路業者、雲端運算及代管業者、網路交換中心、數據中心及使用網路為主要提供服務管道的業者之網路工程人員及產品人員,台灣網路維運社群是由委員會管理維運,委員會是每年由多方利害關係人小組中選舉產生。
TWNOG is a membership organization. Our members are typically drawn from the core engineering and product staffs of the Taiwan Type I & Type II operators, international carriers, ISPs, MSOs, content providers, CDNs, cloud-computing and hosting companies, internet exchange points, multi-tenant data centers, and service providers using the network as their main service component. TWNOG is operated by the Steering Committee which is elected by/ from the MSG, every year.
4.2 委員會 Steering Committee
委員會包含主席一位、 副主席二位及執行委員四位,委員會名單於選舉結果公告後公布於網站。
4.2.1 主席權利
- 對外代表 TWNOG
- 對內視情況召集或指定相關工作小組
4.2.2 主席義務
- 負責 TWNOG 社群
- 每年至少舉辦兩次 TWNOG 公開會議
- 召集 TWNOG 選舉委員會
4.2.3 副主席權利
- 協助及代理主席權利
- 副主席義務
- 協助及代理主席義務
- 負責 TWNOG 社群
4.2.5 選舉 Election
若未能於選舉時產生足額之副主席, 遺缺由主席於MSG內邀請產生。
4.2.6 任期 Term
The term of office for all Steering Committee Members shall be one (1) year.
4.2.7 任期限制 Term Limits
All Steering Committee Members may serve no more than a total of 3 years consecutively. Appointments under section 4.5.1 shall not count toward this limit.
4.3多方利害關係人小組 Multi-stakeholders’ Group (MSG)
4.4 會員Member
台灣網路維運社群歡迎任何對網路維運、工程技術、 學術、 產業研究等方面有興趣且願意在網路維運社群中學習及分享知識的人員. 會員均享有以下權利:
- 參與TWNOG舉辦之各項選舉(除由多方利害關係人小組選舉產生之執行委員會Steering Committee除外)
- 可申請成為多方利害關係人小組(由多方利害關係人小組討論決定是否接受)
- 參與各管理委員會
- 參加TWNOG舉辦之活動可享優惠折扣
- 申請加入TWNOG即代表已閱讀並同意TWNOG相關章程及政策規範並同意加入台灣網路維運社群
TWNOG membership is available to anyone with an interest in Internet operations, engineering, or research, who wishes to further education and knowledge sharing within the Internet operations community. Members shall be entitled to the following privileges:
- Voting in all TWNOG elections (except the election of Steering Committee which is elected by/ from MSG)
- Running as a candidate for the MSG (must be approved by existing MSG)
- Serving on administrative committees
- Receiving a discount on standard registration fees for any TWNOG events
- Applying for membership representing your acceptance of TWNOG ByLaws and Policies
4.5 工作小組 Program Committee (PC)
工作小組PC是為了完成特定TWNOG的目標而設立,除可由主席召集外MSG亦可提議建立, 經MSG討論及過半MSG成員同意即可成立。
The Program Committee (PC) is created to fulfill the dedicated TWNOG mission. Besides assembled by Chair, MSG can also propose to create PC and will be discussed among MSG and voted by MSG.
PC shall report to Steering Committee periodically to ensure smooth communication between Steering Committee and PC.
4.5.1 工作小組組織
PC shall be founded by TWNOG member in good reputation. Each PC shall consist of 7 members, with one chair and 6 members. Chair shall be elected by all members. PC Chair shall attend meeting of Steering Committee in order to facilitate communication between different PC, PC Chair does not have right to vote in Steering Committee.
4.5.2 任期 Term
The term of office for all PC members shall be one (1) year.
4.5.3 任期限制 Term Limits
All PC Committee Members may serve no more than a total of 3 years consecutively.
- 會議與活動 Meetings and Activities
One of the primary functions of TWNOG is the administration of multiple conferences/ meetings per year.
Conference program, date and location of conferences/ meetings shall be determined by the SC, with all meetings to be held in Taiwan.
5.1 會員大會 Member Meetings
為了促進會員每年須至少舉辦一次會員大會, 並且至少有一次須在TWNOG選舉期間(每年9月份),在此期間候選人須有機會進行簡短的陳述,任何章程修正案將由委員會成員或請願人提出,會員須有機會參加公開討論 。
All conferences held during a TWNOG election shall include a members meeting, during which candidates will be given an opportunity to make short presentations, any bylaws amendments will be presented by a Board member or petitioner, and members will have an opportunity to participate in open discussion.
Members meetings may be held at other conferences or events at the discretion of the Board.
5.2 多方利害關係人小組會議 MSG Meetings
為促進交流至少每個三月須召開一次多方利害關係人小組會議。MSG 會議須針對社群經營,規章辦法及各項會議活動等進行討論及修正提案,MSG決議中與全體社群有關事宜且經MSG表決同意後交由會員大會決議,決議中若僅針對單次活動或單一工作方向或經MSG表決不須經會員大會決議之事宜則可直接執行。
5.3 委員會會議 SC Meetings
為維持TWNOG日常運作之討論及執行細節之討論決議, 委員會SC至少每個月須召開一次會議,並且應盡量透過即時通訊方式隨時聯繫,以利TWNOG事務推展。
5.4 TWNOG論壇
為促進TWNOG社群與各界交流互動,每年須舉辦至少二次TWNOG 論壇,論壇時間應至少一天,並從技術分享的角度出發,並以社群有興趣及對社會有貢獻的主題為主要徵求簡報之議題。
5.5 其他活動
- 社群經營
6.1 TWNOG 網站
6.2 TWNOG臉書社團
6.3 Line群組
6.4 會員郵件清單 Mail List
- 加入會員
TWNOG向任何人開放加入,申請加入即代表已閱讀並同意TWNOG相關章程及政策規範並同意加入台灣網路維運社群,申請後請取得TWNOG郵件確認回覆方視為完成加入程序。 加入方式如下:
7.1 於TWNOG網站提出申請會員-membership/
7.2 線上填寫表單:加入會員同意書