加入會員/ Join TWNOG
台灣網路維運社群歡迎任何對網路維運, 工程技術, 學術, 產業研究等方面有興趣且願意在網路維運社群中學習及分享知識的人
- 參與TWNOG舉辦之各項選舉 (除由多方利害關係人小組選舉產生之執行委
員會Steering Committee除外) - 可申請成為多方利害關係人小組 (由多方利害關係人小組討論決定是否接受)
- 參與各管理委員會
- 參加TWNOG舉辦之活動可享優惠折扣
立即加入會員 (申請加入即代表已閱讀並同意TWNOG相關章程及政策規範並同意加入台灣網路維運社群, 詳見章程與政策)
或於線上填寫加入會員同意書 https://goo.gl/forms/HIJVF6jLfWVCIhVx2
TWNOG membership is available to anyone with an interest in Internet operations, engineering, or research, who wishes to further education and knowledge sharing within the Internet operations community. Members shall be entitled to the following privileges:
- Voting in all TWNOG elections (except the election of Steering Committee which is elected by/ from MSG)
- Running as a candidate for the MSG (must be approved by existing MSG)
- Serving on administrative committees
- Receiving a discount on standard registration fees for any TWNOG events
Any individual may become a member of TWNOG by completing an application.
Join TWNOG Now! (Applying for membership representing your acceptance of TWNOG ByLaws and Policies)
Or you can fill in online Application From https://goo.gl/forms/HIJVF6jLfWVCIhVx2
- 加入臉書社團 FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/twnog/
- 加入TWNOG Line 群組 https://line.me/R/ti/g/37SPxv3klO
相關章程與政策/ ByLaws and Policies
章程/ ByLaws
個資保護聲明/ Privacy Policy
會員規範/ Membership Policy
社群發言規範/ Social Policy
利益迴避規範/ Conflict of Interest Policy